Wolves have not played for nearly two weeks. I don't feel quite so scared.
There are ants in my computer. I am scared that one day I will try and squish one on my screen and it will be inside my screen. And then they will all run up from the start button and swarm my desktop and laugh as one at the inevitability of it all.
The sad thing has happened. It saddens me immensley. You will guess it soon, when news breaks out from The Sun on your front pages, when Cameron uses it in his next poll diverting speech and when the FTSE drops accordingly. Excuses will be made and apologies given. Some, integral to the process, will deny the event ever happened, plodding on with new plans and new ideas whilst ignoring the very poison that infected in the first place.
For me, it begs the eternal question, why can't people just fucking get along?
I do realise the hypocrisy of this statement, seeing as I hate everyone.
In other news, I got new headphones today which made me very happy. They are the ones that actually penetrate your ears. And are very, wonderfully loud. The first thing I listened to was "Exploding Head Syndrome" which is a remix by 65daysofstatic of the four most recent Cure singles. They've stuck them all together and it's 21:26 minutes long and probably the best piece of music I've heard in a very long time. This shouldn't be taken as anything, though, for I am no music hoarder or sprintman; i.e. it takes me a long time to finish one album. So listen to someone else about it.
If not, the second thing I listened to was "Global" by the quite wonderful "Feedle." It's off his free to download "Go and get your head fucked" live EP - here - http://www.eckerecords.co.uk/ . I first heard Feedle on Huw Stephen's show a few light years ago and listened to his myspace tracks a hundred times but 'never got round to' buying his album. I'm a wanker. He now has new album. I should buy it but if anyone wants to send it to India for my birthday that would be grand. The final track off the EP, "Dogs," (a mega version of "Song for Dogs") samples Vapour Trail. That'll mean something to one of you maybe and maybe make you download it. The sample isn't great but the rest of the song IS.
This is what happened on the internet today:
Sally had a haircut. Joe fixed his bike. Sam hates work. Fred is in Thailand woo baby. Ariel is swimming. Icarus is falling. Rachel had the best night of her life ever thanx guyzzzzxxx. Rebecca wants to give me a running account of her life every five seconds. Rebecca just ate a sandwich. Rebecca just cut her right toenail. Rebecca just sucked her boyfriend off. Rachel is hungoverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
None of these things is true. Just fuck off though, yeah?
Now i'm listening to The Sundays - Can't Be Sure. It's astonishingly pretty.
Now I'm listening to The Only Ones - Another Girl Another Planet. Can anyone guess what list I'm listening to?
Of course, of course, you can't talk. Ha!
Well. I found out yesterday, or actually the night before, as I was having a most enjoyable evening at Kavana's 12th birthday party, with whiskey and lemonade in hand, that the pretty girl of the last two posts has got a boyfriend back home. I think that is maybe why I am writing this post. (But it is not the sad thing that has happened. That is sadder). This shook me somewhat, as it was quite a refreshing crush I had got going.
The pain was lessened considerably because before this I was informed she had been wearing a necklace of butt**s that day!!!! Sweet lord!
But on the other hand she was pretty and not a nutcase and very sweet.
Back to square one. Hopefully they won't invade again.
"ఐ hఅటే ది వే వే ఎక్ష్పెక్త్ తో ఫెయిల్
అండ్ తెన్ వే ఫెయిల్
అండ్ తెన్ వే గెట్ బిత్తెర్ బెకాఉసే వే'వె ఫెల్డ్
maybe all of this has got nothing to do with anything
ఫర్ అ స్ప్రింగ్బోర్డు, అండ్ అ పైర్ అఫ్ షార్ట్స్, అండ్ అ ప్లైన్ వైట్ త షర్టు, అండ్ అ పెర్ఫెచ్త్ బక్ఫ్లిప్. ఐ'ద గివె ఇట్ అల్ ఫర్ తాత"