Monday, November 24, 2008

Blackpool at home


I'm a little drunk. Tonight we went away. No. This weekend we went away. Tonight we got free food and drink at the most deluxe of 5* star hotels in Hyderabad, The Taj Krishna. Fundraising event.


I cannot write this. Two people have asked me to update it. Surely this only adds to the bumfuckdom? The moment i GET requestsgybkjna./\x,ma\;lxmas;lxm/ then THat should be it. Over.


I'm listening to Pulp - "Do You Remember The First Time." I can't remember the worst time.


So I guess you're wondering what happened right? (no). When they played Michael Kightly (no)? What Swiss Simon was doing (no)?

WELL Kightly got caught up in the England U21s so couldn't do the interview. I was quite upset but it was no-ones fault really. :'( OK I'm still upset. They might re-schedule.

AND I still don't know what Swiss Simon was doing but my shaving foam was horifically broken when I went into the bathroom after the below. Gauge from that what you will.

This post is shitshitshit.

Ok well so I went away (it really starts here) to the Ellora and Ajanta Caves. No doubt I will put some photos on facebook soon and you will all smile knowingly, as you will know, from this bumfuckdom, that I have been there. Oh clever souls!

I will not harp on about these places. They were quite beautiful, and possibly the best I have been to in India so far. If you come to India, go to them. But sometimes words and hyperbole can do nothing but deceive, albeit unintentionally, and I doubt even my photographs can do anything.

But there were a couple of things that "happened" on my trip. I was listening to The Festive Fifty 1992 on the train to Aurangabad, in the dark and staring at the stars, and quite unbenownst to me at number 40 came Ride - "Leave Them All Behind." This brought a great smile as it took me right back to the last time I'd unexpectedly heard it - Truck 2008 - cover by Maps - with a few of you wonderful people - and it made me quite nostalgic and happy. I miss The Barn, Sunday 20th July 2008 circa 20:00 very much. Come back to me. She never got it though, did she! LOL. Never would.

On the topic of 'she's' - the first (and third, for the record) pretty girl(s) were also on the trip with me. Keeping up? You may have thought my interest, albeit something, is really nothing serious at all, and you would be quite right. It is not like I am in love, or anything, and no doubt she still has a boyfriend. But pretty girl number one has reached a new level. She actually thinks like me about stuff, like things I get ever so frustrated about and can never ever EVER articulate so they rot and rot and rot and rot - anyway she tells me these things that I've been thinking and I'm like "Yeah, that's totally what I was thinking!" in complete awe at her articulateness. She is angry about it then (in a totally cute and pretty way) and then she is OK a bit after because she has articulated it. Whilst there's me letting things fester and infest the inside of me to create trouble. I cannot describe... no. It's almost not fair. I completely cannot describe it. She is the latent enemy of my festering. In another world I would tell her everything and she would solve everything and everything would be OK and I wouldn't have to piss you all off indefinitely.

But I am not in love with her. There is no flying saucer ride inside my head.

(good luck SB tonight. Do you have a new thread? Maybe. There are echoes in our one.)

OH WE WON BY THE WAY :dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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